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Pelosi's Spatula

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Pelosi's Spatula Empty Pelosi's Spatula

Post by red states rule Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:39 pm

My, how the once mightly have fallen

EDITORIAL: Pelosi's spatula

Americans don't think the 110th Congress - the one under the leadership of Democrats Harry Reid in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi in the House - has much to say for itself. Regardless of the issue, Americans are clearly of the mind that Congress is shirking its responsibilities. The energy/oil issue is no exception. In fact, Republicans are more in sync with voters than Democrats. It's the Republicans who have remained inside the Beltway and implored House leaders to return to Washington to tend to America's business.

Indeed, two Rasmussen surveys spell voter sentiment. The percentage of voters who gave Congress good or excellent ratings fell last month to single digits - a paltry 9 percent. "Most voters [52 percent] felt Congress was doing a poor job, which ties the record high in that dubious category," Rasmussen pointed out. Also revealing is another Rasmussen survey - this one from just last week. Tellingly, 61 percent of voters from around the country said "Congress, which is in recess until early September, should return to Washington immediately to vote on lifting the ban on offshore oil drilling."

Of course, Mrs. Pelosi is too busy to even consider working. Remember what she said? Remember what she promised that fine winter's day in January 2007 when she became the first woman to run the House? Recall what as speaker she and her Democratic colleagues would do? "We have made history, now let us make progress for the American people." That's what she said. That's what she promised. So much for living up to one's promises.

Politics may have taken Mrs. Pelosi out of the kitchen, but a spatula would appear more appropriate in her right hand than a gavel.
red states rule
red states rule

Number of posts : 772
Location : conservative part of PA
Location : Pelosi's Spatula Us10
Registration date : 2008-07-26

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Pelosi's Spatula Empty Re: Pelosi's Spatula

Post by red states rule Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:40 pm

Pelosi's Spatula HippiePelosi
red states rule
red states rule

Number of posts : 772
Location : conservative part of PA
Location : Pelosi's Spatula Us10
Registration date : 2008-07-26

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